Yet another videoless Friday Night Greetings

Howdy, everyone, and I’m sorry! It’s been 15 days since my last Friday Night Greetings video, and once again time and circumstances have caught up with me and I don’t have one. This might be the biggest gap I’ve had in years! It’s too bad, too — we had dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Rod McNair, Mrs. Dorothy McNair, the wonderful McNair kiddos, and a visiting Ms. Nathalie McNair, and it was a beautiful start to our Sabbath. Mr. McNair would have been the perfect fellow to sit down and do a “Five Questions” video with like I enjoy doing on occasion, but I got so caught up in the uplifting conversation that I totally forgot about it. I had even brought my computer to be able to do it!

Please forgive me — I may have forgot the video, but I didn’t forget about you! You remain in our thoughts, and we look forward to being back in town late, late Monday or early Tuesday. Have a beautiful Sabbath day!

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