This page is intended to be a central location for various resources. We hope you find it helpful!
Note: For Spokesman Club resources, please see the appropriate page.
Online Bibles & Bible Study Aids
- – An online Parallel Bible with a large number of translations.
- – Another popular online Bible.
- – A popular resource for translations, basic language studies, etc.
- – Not only 30+ Bibles online, but also many commentaries and other resources.
Booklets of the Living Church of God
- We hope to provide a page on this website soon where you can click on each booklet to go directly there. Until then, click here for the list.
The Tomorrow’s World television program and magazine
- The most recent telecast, as well as older ones and international versions, can be found here, as can many other video resources. For a time and channel in your area, you can click here.
- The latest magazine, as well as previous issues, can be found here.
Other Online Resources
- John Ogwyn Bible Study Series – From 1987 through 1992, Mr. John Ogwyn gave a series of Bible studies covering the entire Bible. Those Bible studies were transcribed and are available on the “Louisiana LCG” website, accessible through this link. Having experienced almost this entire series during Mr. Ogwyn’s years in Dallas, I can personally say that they are a great resource.
- Josephus – As a meticulous historian born only about four years after the death of Christ, Flavius Josephus and his many writings provide a remarkable resource for those studying the history and culture of the Jews during the years of Jesus’ life. This website provides online versions of his works as well as downloadable PDF files for saving on your own computer.
- e-Sword – e-Sword is a professional computer Bible that you can download to use on your computer or laptop. (Donations are accepted but not demanded.) For those who would like a very good Bible for their computer without paying the very-high prices for many of the popular products, consider this option.
- BibleMapper – This software (both free and paid versions) allow you to generate original maps of Bible lands for personal use. For those who like to create such maps as a part of their study, this may be a helpful download.
* Note: With all software downloads, there can be risks concerning viruses, compatibility issues, etc. Use all appropriate precautions. We are posting these resources on a “good faith” basis and want you to know that we cannot check each website for security or safety issues, so download at your own risk.
We intend for this list of resources to grow over time, but hopefully these get you off to a good start! We’re always interested in suggestions.