The title doesn’t mean “the last Friday Night Greetings” but “Greetings from last Friday night”! The video I tried to post last week did not get completely uploaded to YouTube until well after I had gone to bed. So, I am posting it up tonight. My apologies if anything I say in the video is […]
Pi Day babbling, 15 seconds of fame, and accepting God’s priorities
Howdy, everyone! It’s a longer than normal FNG video tonight (just under 20 minutes), so I’ll keep it brief and point you there. The first part is about Pi Day, so if you need to, feel free to fast forward over the first few minutes. 🙂 [UPDATE: OK, I am sitting here ready to hit […]
Suggestions for pre-Passover examination and meditation
Howdy! Keeping it super brief tonight (especially for me!) and passing you straight to the video. Take care, pray for God’s intervention for those who need it, and have a peaceful and profitable Sabbath. Greetings for tonight are below.
Back from the distant land of Nashville!
Howdy, everyone, and I pray that your Sabbath is off to a wonderful start! I won’t say too much, since the video is a bit long, tonight. Most of it is spent summarizing some of the events of this past week, where my Beautiful Wife and I attended the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, Tennessee. […]
Snow Day Bible Study is FINALLY UP!
Well, it took long enough! My apologies — I had no idea it would take so long to upload and process. Maybe the Internet slows down for snow days, too, huh? Please fine below our “Snow Day Bible Study” on the topic of “What Is the Fate of the Devil?” And, please, as mentioned in […]
Snow Day Bible Study is on the way… [UPDATED]
[UPDATE #3, 5:00PM] It is FINALLY uploaded! You can find it here: “Snow Day Bible Study is FINALLY UP!” [UPDATE #2, 4:15PM] Well, my apologies for the CONTINUED delay! It is taking some time, for some reason, to upload. The Bible Study is actually taking longer to upload it than it took to do live […]
Warm greetings on a cold Friday night
Howdy, everyone! I wish we could all be together tomorrow, but, as I say in tonight’s greetings, think of this winter-weather-enforced house arrest as a special opportunity to spend some extra time fellowshipping with your own family and seeking God all the more. As I mention in the greetings video below, I do plan to […]
Late night thoughts on self-examination and balance
Howdy, and my apologies for a late Friday Night Greetings! It’s a bit longer than usual tonight, although it is mainly just an update on our move and house-selling preparations and some thoughts on including a look at how balanced we are as individuals as we begin thoughts of self-examination in the lead up to […]
Video-less greetings from a cold, cold place…
…which could be anywhere these days. 🙂 Howdy, everyone! My apologies for the lack of a Friday Night Greetings video, tonight. My Beautiful Wife and I have traveled north for some counseling appointments and services in Pittsburgh and Akron tomorrow, and the night has fled away without my making a video. I thought about it for a moment […]
Sometimes the mess has a purpose
Howdy, everyone, and I hope you are having a good Sabbath! I’ll skip any preliminary comments and go straight to the video tonight. It is below. Take care!