Late-but-well-intentioned Friday Night Greetings

Howdy, everyone! My apologies that the video is out so late tonight! I hope all of you are having a wonderful Sabbath. The new speaking schedule for the third quarter of 2012, mentioned at the end of tonight’s video, is available at the “Current Speaking Schedule” link to the right on this webpage.

Also, it did not strike me to mention in the video that my wife and I were caught on the highway north of Cambridge during that horrible line of storms that came through on Friday! (If you get my Twitter feed @wgsmith, then you already knew.) It was pretty bad! We had to swerve once to avoid a downed tree on the highway. We haven’t taken the time to look to see if the van received any hail damage, but the conditions really were horrible. We thank God that our prayers were answered and we came through just fine; and it’s a credit to the wonderful fellowship we enjoyed afterwards over dinner that it has only come to my mind again, now. 🙂

Take care! The Friday Night Greetings video is below.

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